Οι ζωγράφοι και τα «λευκά» έργα τέχνης

ΠΑΡΑΘΥΡΟ Δημοσιεύθηκε 2.2.2021
For over six months, firstly with Bazille and then alone, Monet made the most of the charms of the Normandy coastline, producing a huge range of paintings from nature. He stayed in Honfleur, rising at dawn to seek out fresh subjects which he painted until evening. The Saint Siméon farm, represented on the left of the picture, is located on the road between Honfleur and Trouville. For several generations many painters (including Daubigny, Corot and Courbet) had spent time there, and so it became a recurring theme. In this case however, Monet is primarily interested in snow and its effects: 'We noticed a foot-warmer, then an easel, and then a gentleman, wrapped tightly in three jackets, wearing gloves and a half-frozen expression: it was Monsieur Monet, studying the effects of snow.' (Journal du Havre).


Snow Falling in the Lane - Edvard Munch


Hunters in the Snow - Pieter Bruegel the Elder


Garden under Snow - Paul Gauguin


Deer in a Snowy Landscape - Gustave Courbet


Effect of Snow at Petit-Montrouge - Edouard Manet


Shrines in snowy mountains - Hiroshige


The Snowstorm (Winter) - Francisco Goya


Snow Effect: Winter in the Suburbs - Georges Seurat


Before the snow - Paul Klee


Five Men and a Child in the Snow - Vincent van Gogh


Avenue de l’Opera, Snow Effect - Camille Pissarro


Two Peasant Women Digging in Field with Snow - Vincent van Gogh

A Cart on the Snowy Road at Honfleur
For over six months, firstly with Bazille and then alone, Monet made the most of the charms of the Normandy coastline, producing a huge range of paintings from nature. He stayed in Honfleur, rising at dawn to seek out fresh subjects which he painted until evening. The Saint Siméon farm, represented on the left of the picture, is located on the road between Honfleur and Trouville. For several generations many painters (including Daubigny, Corot and Courbet) had spent time there, and so it became a recurring theme. In this case however, Monet is primarily interested in snow and its effects: 'We noticed a foot-warmer, then an easel, and then a gentleman, wrapped tightly in three jackets, wearing gloves and a half-frozen expression: it was Monsieur Monet, studying the effects of snow.' (Journal du Havre).

Cart on the Snow Covered Road with Saint-Simeon Farm - Claude Monet


Snow at Argenteuil - Claude Monet


Melting Snow, Fontainbleau - Paul Cezanne


Morning in the Village after Snowstorm - Kazimir Malevich


Landscape with Snow - Pierre-Auguste Renoir


Tea house at Koishikawa, the morning after a snowfall - Katsushika Hokusai


Snow over Montmartre - Maurice Utrillo


Bare Tree Trunks with Snow - Georgia O’Keeffe


Snow on the Road, Louveciennes (Chemin de la Machine) - Alfred Sisley


Snow Storm, Hannibal and His Army Crossing the Alps - J.M.W. Turner


Snowy Landscape (aka Frost) - Berthe Morisot


Randegg in the snow with ravens - Otto Dix


Snowy Landscape with Arles in the Background Vincent van Gogh


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